Use our Teal Level HorseSense study guide to help students in unmounted lessons learn at the most advanced Level in the Learning Levels program.
Teal Level students are dedicated equestrians ready to deepen their understanding of all aspects of horse care. Students with Teal Level knowledge will be well prepared to pursue equine higher learning or work in the horse industry.
With the help of this guide and hands-on instruction, students will be able to teach basic HorseSense skills; to demonstrate understanding of jump course design; to evaluate a horse’s dressage performance; to demonstrate advanced health care skills; to evaluate more complex concepts of conformation and movement; to understand functional equine anatomy and relate equine systems to feeding, diseases and their control; to incorporate stable management principles in facility design.
For students who will be the sole caretakers for their horses, or those planning to work in the equine industry, Teal Level should be considered a minimum foundation of safe, humane horse care — along with a lifetime commitment to ongoing equine education!
We use the study guides, along with our Teaching Guides and other educational resources, to provide detailed instructional content for unmounted classes or clinics — and for our students to study at home in preparation for lessons.
We’ve also found study guides to be an invaluable asset when coordinating instruction between multiple instructors or training assistants and barn helpers.