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Study Guides for Learning Levels

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Study Guides for Learning Levels

Detailed texbooks for students in mounted and unmounted lessons

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Where horses are concerned,

details matter.

Sillysage Trans Dk

Few things cause horses (and instructors) more grief than riders or caretakers who have NO IDEA how much there is to learn!

We put the details into printable booklets we call “study guides” so you can easily give your students all the important information you want them to remember.

Study guides are for students*

So everyone has those important details!

Learning Levels Study Guides were originally written so that our students could study on their own and come prepared to lessons and camps.

Each study guide has a page or two of basic information for every objective in that Level. Guides are written in clear, simple language with lots of graphics to make it inviting and readable for students of all ages. They provide important concepts and terminology, reinforcing the lessons students learn in the barn and arena. 

*Then we discovered how invaluable the guides are as time-saving tools for instructors! They can provide you and your teaching assistants a cohesive framework for lesson planning and help you make sure you’re all teaching the same details for each objective. 

Study guide PDF downloads are designed for desktop printing, with a loose-leaf format that allows your students to keep pages in 3-ring binders.

We’ve now published a Horsemanship and a HorseSense study guide for every Learning Level — with the exception of the HorseCentered Levels, all three of which are in the Pipeline.


Formats and printing tips

Our default download files are PDF documents. If you need a zipped file, let us know and we can email the file to you.

Get help with using our download files HERE.

Study guides are designed for full-color desktop printers. Pages are formatted for 2-sided printing on 8.5″ x 11″ paper, with 0.75″ inside margins sufficient for 3-hole punching.

When printing as a booklet, we recommend a 24-lb bright white paper for best results. Thinner copy paper doesn’t work well for two-sided printing.

 PRO TIP: We give our students a binder so they can safely keep all of their guides in one place.

You can download printing instructions here.

Bookmark the download file page and open the PDF file online in your browser as needed. PDF files aren’t responsive, but you should be able to scroll around your screen to access the content.

You can also save the file to your desktop or mobile device to use offline.

You can download our free sample file to print a few pages and see how well the printing works for you.

— We made the study guides very colorful because it’s seriously difficult to get kids (and many adults) to read anything that is all black-and-white. If you want them to read it, print in full color!

— You can always print one page at a time, as needed for handouts.

— Should you need to print study guides in bulk, check with your local print shop for options.

We are NOT professional printers, but are happy to try and help with any questions you have about desktop printing for your study guides.

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We’ve been blessed with many talented photographers over the years: students who voluntarily stood in sweltering/ freezing arenas, capturing lifelong memories of lessons, camps and shows. We’re grateful to all of them!

One former student, Delaney Witbrod, is now a professional photographer with a gift for animal portraits – see more of her fine work here. We’re also grateful for photos of Western riding donated by LLPro instructors – particularly Bit of Pleasure Horse School and Joyful Hearts Photography!

You’ll find illustrations throughout our online courses and printed materials graciously donated by our friend Rhonda Hagy. Evan Surrusco contributes additional illustrations and handles most of our photo processing. Contact us for information about their work.

horse looking perplexed


Our website will be offline on
Thursday, July 4,
starting at 10:00 AM (EDT),
for routine maintenance.

We’ll be shined up and
ready to ride by
July 5.