NEW WESTERN version!
Use our Red Level Horsemanship study guide for beginner students in mounted Western riding lessons where the emphasis is on safety for horses and humans!
This “textbook” for Red Level helps inexperienced beginner students (age 8 and up) learn safety concepts for handling horses on the ground and in the saddle.
Takes riders through grooming, tacking up, mounting and dismounting, riding at the walk, emergency skills and learning the jog.
Many thanks to instructor Carmalee Scarpitti, her students from Bit of Pleasure Horse School, Joyful Hearts Photography, and to Kim and Addison from Willow Tree Farm and Riding School, for providing us with the many excellent photos that made this study guide possible!
We use the study guides, along with our Lesson Plans and other educational resources, to provide detailed instructional content for mounted classes or clinics — and for our students to study at home in preparation for lessons.
We’ve also found study guides to be an invaluable asset when coordinating instruction between multiple instructors or training new assistants.
For the most part, the mounted and unmounted curriculum tracks cover different material.
In Red Level, however, you will notice some overlap – both the Horsemanship and the HorseSense guides discuss horse safety and essential ground handling skills.
We feel that these topics are important enough to discuss twice, so for students of the Horsemanship, HorseSense and HorseCentered Levels, we encourage you to review all of this vital information — especially since one guide may have more detailed information on a particular topic than the alternate guide.
We tell students that deliberate repetition is there to make sure they remember that information!
- Lesson Plans - Red Horsemanship Set 1 - From the Ground Up
- Equitation Patterns - Red Level - Set 1
- Obstacle Course Maps - Red Level - Set 1
- Stuff Happens While Riding - Red Level
- Saddle and Bridle Parts Worksheet - Red Level - Western
- Boss Mares blog - 5 Secret Goals for Teaching Red Level Horsemanship
- Red Level HorseSense Study Guide
- Rainbow Level Coloring Book - Western