Use these single-page checklists to track your student’s Western riding progress through the Learning Levels mounted curriculum. Includes all of the objectives for Rainbow* – Teal Level Horsemanship.
These printable checklists are an easy way to record the knowledge and skills your students gain in lessons. We check off each objective when the student has demonstrated sufficient knowledge and skills for that objective.
This makes it easy for everyone — students, parents, and other instructors — to understand exactly what each student is learning at each Level.
*Rainbow Level progress sheets are also available as a separate file, but we’ve included them here for your convenience.
TIP: Pages are formatted with margins suitable for 3-hole folders or binders. We suggest keeping the official pages for each student in a big binder or file box in your office, so all instructors in your program can easily update checklists after lessons.
You may also want to give printed copies, or share the file, with students and parents so everyone is (literally) on the same page!
- Progress Sheets - HorseSense - Western
- Progress Sheets - Horsemanship - English
- Progress Sheets - HorseSense - English
- Progress Sheets - HorseCentered
- Progress Sheets - Rainbow Level - Western
- Progress Booklet - Horsemanship - Western
- Full Curriculum - Western version
- Find many other teaching tools in our Resource Center!