Handy little tool for keeping track of each Rainbow Level student’s Western horsemanship progress.
This printable booklet contains checklists of simple learning objectives for your youngest riders, typically aged 4-7.
Use it to record the knowledge and skills they gain in lessons covering both mounted Western horsemanship and an unmounted introduction to horses.
We check off each objective when the student has demonstrated sufficient knowledge and skills for that objective. This makes it easy for parents – or other instructors – to understand what students are learning at each Level.
A page of printing instructions is included.
Pro-Tip: We keep the official booklets for each student in our office, and only give copies to those students who request it – because you can plan on them losing their copies!
- Rainbow Level Coloring Book
- Progress Sheets - Rainbow Level - Western version
- Horse of a Different Color - Rainbow Level - Western version
- Progress Booklet - Rainbow Level - English version
- Progress Booklet - Horsemanship - Western version
- Progress Booklet - HorseSense - Western version
- Progress Booklet - HorseCentered Levels
- Find many other teaching tools in our Resource Center!