Stuff Happens in the Pasture – Red Level

Learning Levels Downloads

Helpful information about this resource:

This Stuff Happens card set for Red Level HorseSense students contains discussion scenarios you can use to help your students remember Red Level unmounted safety rules and apply them when working with horses in the pasture.

Each card has a situation to discuss with students:
What is the problem here?
How should we fix it?
How could we avoid it?
What is the concept or rule we should remember?

All of the scenarios in these sets are taken directly from the information in our study guides – in this case, the Red Level HorseSense Study Guide.

12 cards in this set.


This PDF file is formatted for full color desktop printing on standard 8.5 x 11” card stock.

5 pages

95 KB

Make sure your printer software is not set to “shrink to fit”.

This file contains 3 pages which you will print and cut into 4 cards each, for a total of 12 cards in the set.

The first page of cards is an optional “back side” for the cards. You can just print the card pages and leave the back side of each card blank – but we like the name of the card set on the back to help keep things organized.

Printing instructions are included in the download file.

PRO TIP: You could also create your own custom Stuff Happens card sets with our template – just copy and paste to a new document, then edit.

If you don’t have access to a printer, try opening the PDF file on your desktop or mobile device. You should be able to scroll through the cards to read them aloud to students.

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We’ve been blessed with many talented photographers over the years: students who voluntarily stood in sweltering/ freezing arenas, capturing lifelong memories of lessons, camps and shows. We’re grateful to all of them!

One former student, Delaney Witbrod, is now a professional photographer with a gift for animal portraits – see more of her fine work here. We’re also grateful for photos of Western riding donated by LLPro instructors – particularly Bit of Pleasure Horse School and Joyful Hearts Photography!

You’ll find illustrations throughout our online courses and printed materials graciously donated by our friend Rhonda Hagy. Evan Surrusco contributes additional illustrations and handles most of our photo processing. Contact us for information about their work.

horse looking perplexed


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Thursday, July 4,
starting at 10:00 AM (EDT),
for routine maintenance.

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July 5.